Saturday, September 7, 2013

Meditation on the Cross

Tintoretto's 1568 Crucifixion Scene

Meditation on the Cross
On the cross
Bleeding and mocked
All hope seems lost
Dashed against the rocks

You who walked on water,
And restored life to the dead,
Will You come down from such slaughter
And shake shame from your head?

Exposed like a Lamb
The wolves play with their prey
We hold our heads in our hands
Night steals away the day

You who healed the afflicted
And the unclean made pure
Why hang You now rejected?
Can You Yourself cure?

Show us a god who doesn’t suffer
A god who doesn’t let us fall apart
One who never challenges our thinking
Lives a million miles from the heart

God is in the yearning
In the ache and wondering why
In mundane 24-hour cycles, turning
The world, the pages, life.