Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Gratitude

I must confess, this post germinated from observing a habitual practice of my friend Chris Peters.  He randomly lists things for which he's thankful around Thanksgiving.  It's hard to go wrong in being grateful, so I decided to do it on New Year's Eve for the year 2013.  Here we go!

Over the past year, I am thankful for (in no particular order):

  • My Life of Prayer class
  • The South Korean Church
  • My favorite book that I've read thus far in seminary
  • Music
  • People who are good with biblical languages
  • New friends
  • Hawaiian breeze scent sticks
  • Panda toothbrush holders
  • Auburn football
  • Finishing my paperwork for provisional membership in the North Alabama Conference of the UMC
  • Getting to meet and be prayed over by Bishop Debbie Wallace-Padgett
  • The One and Onlys
  • Family
  • Laughter
  • Growth
  • The trusty Toyota Corolla
  • Embrace UMC
  • Old friends
  • Faithful volunteers
  • People who are hospitable with their homes/good hosts
  • The Book of Common Prayer
  • Praying with others
  • Concerts
  • The Nutcracker
  • The Triune God
  • Exercise
  • Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Mentors
  • Healthy Choice microwaveable dinners
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • Beard experimentation
  • Hikes in rain or shine
  • Novels
  • Running shoes
  • Home-cooked meals
  • Hugs
  • Healing
  • Risking
  • Lectio Divina
  • Sleep
  • Preaching
  • Honest people
  • Saying goodbye
  • Pictures
  • Rest
I'll stop with these.  Here's hoping that in 2014, we discover again and again that God is better than out best thoughts, that the darkness cannot overpower the Light, that life really is a gift, and that we need Jesus and each other.  Blessings.

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